电影 五星日



  • 片名:五星日
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:凯姆·吉甘戴/吉娜·马隆/李威尹/布鲁克林·苏丹诺/帕里萨·法赫里/
  • 导演:丹尼·布迪/
  • 年份:2011
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:内详
  • 更新:2023-06-05 07:15
  • 简介:四个陌生人,一旦有了星座,就有了无限的可能性。 杰克想要要有一个完美的五星级生日,于是他利用星座进行了预测,他没有预示这将会有怎么样完美的一天,当他踏上旅途时,杰克的世界,完全颠倒了。 确定,占星术没有合法性,杰克踏上旅程,检验理论的占星术通过寻找三个和自己同一地点同一时间出生的人,他们分别是:莎拉雷诺兹(耶拿马隆),伊维特蒙哥马利(布鲁克林)和卫斯理亨德森(Max哈特曼)。 旅程很快开始,杰克才他的小镇出发一直到加利福尼亚芝加哥市中心,他出发去寻找和采访莎拉,伊维特,卫斯理,看看他们的出生日期被证明后他很失望。杰克希望去占星术比赛上,不仅要测试自己的信念,也要测试自己曲折的命运。 占星术的结果使得杰克从风城的木板路到新泽西的大西洋城,再到纽约的繁华街道。杰克学习前进的道路是人生重要的一课,爱,信念,和命运竟将永远改变他的生活。 One man's journey to disprove the theory of astrology leads him to answer some bigger question about life, love, fate and destiny. Four People. Once Horoscope. Infinite Possibilities. Jake Gibson's (Cam Gigandet) horoscope forecasts a perfect FIVE STAR DAY the morning of his birthday. Little does he realize that what's foretold to be a flawless day, unfolds to be far less than stellar when Jake's world is turned upside down as all that could go wrong…does. Determined that Astrology has no legitimacy, Jake embarks on a journey to test the theory of Astrology by finding the three people born the same time and place as himself: Sarah Reynolds (Jena Malone), Yvette Montgomery (Brooklyn Sudano) and Wesley Henderson (Max Hartman). The journey quickly uproots Jake from the small college town of Berkeley, California to downtown Chicago where he sets out to find and interview Sarah, Yvette, and Wesley to see if their birthdays proved to be as disappointing as his own. Jake's pursuit in finding his three Astrological matches (or Zodiac twins) will not only test his convictions, but validate howlife's unexpected twists of fate can deliver much more than the anticipated. The unforeseen takes Jake from the Windy City, to the boardwalk of New Jersey's Atlantic City, to the bustling streets of New York. What Jake learns along the way is an important lesson about life, love, fate,and destiny that will unexpectedly change his life forever.
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四个陌生人,一旦有了星座,就有了无限的可能性。 杰克想要要有一个完美的五星级生日,于是他利用星座进行了预测,他没有预示这将会有怎么样完美的一天,当他踏上旅途时,杰克的世界,完全颠倒了。 确定,占星术没有合法性,杰克踏上旅程,检验理论的占星术通过寻找三个和自己同一地点同一时间出生的人,他们分别是:莎拉雷诺兹(耶拿马隆),伊维特蒙哥马利(布鲁克林)和卫斯理亨德森(Max哈特曼)。 旅程很快开始,杰克才他的小镇出发一直到加利福尼亚芝加哥市中心,他出发去寻找和采访莎拉,伊维特,卫斯理,看看他们的出生日期被证明后他很失望。杰克希望去占星术比赛上,不仅要测试自己的信念,也要测试自己曲折的命运。 占星术的结果使得杰克从风城的木板路到新泽西的大西洋城,再到纽约的繁华街道。杰克学习前进的道路是人生重要的一课,爱,信念,和命运竟将永远改变他的生活。 One man's journey to disprove the theory of astrology leads him to answer some bigger question about life, love, fate and destiny. Four People. Once Horoscope. Infinite Possibilities. Jake Gibson's (Cam Gigandet) horoscope forecasts a perfect FIVE STAR DAY the morning of his birthday. Little does he realize that what's foretold to be a flawless day, unfolds to be far less than stellar when Jake's world is turned upside down as all that could go wrong…does. Determined that Astrology has no legitimacy, Jake embarks on a journey to test the theory of Astrology by finding the three people born the same time and place as himself: Sarah Reynolds (Jena Malone), Yvette Montgomery (Brooklyn Sudano) and Wesley Henderson (Max Hartman). The journey quickly uproots Jake from the small college town of Berkeley, California to downtown Chicago where he sets out to find and interview Sarah, Yvette, and Wesley to see if their birthdays proved to be as disappointing as his own. Jake's pursuit in finding his three Astrological matches (or Zodiac twins) will not only test his convictions, but validate howlife's unexpected twists of fate can deliver much more than the anticipated. The unforeseen takes Jake from the Windy City, to the boardwalk of New Jersey's Atlantic City, to the bustling streets of New York. What Jake learns along the way is an important lesson about life, love, fate,and destiny that will unexpectedly change his life forever.


  • 正片
    1.0 未知
  • 正片
    10.0 福山雅治/尾野真千子/真木阳子/中川雅也/风吹淳/国村隼/树木希林/夏八木勋/井浦新/二宫庆多/黄升炫/足立智充/
  • 已完结
    10.0 Maciej/Karaś/帕維爾·杜馬賈拉/派翠克·西梅克/米哈烏·祖拉斯基/Amelia/Fijałkowska/格里高茲·瑪萊茲基/朵蘿達·克拉/拉法·札維盧卡/
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    8.0 莉莉·詹姆斯/乔·基瑞/阿尔芭·罗尔瓦赫尔/威廉·达福/Sofia Panizzi/卡门·波梅拉/Giovanni Moschella/Enzo Casertano/Michele Bravi/Eric Alexander/丽贝卡·安托纳奇/保罗·布彻/朱塞佩·布鲁内蒂/加布里埃尔·法斯塔/Silvia Fantoni/Marco Gambino/Antonino Macaluso/Anna Manuelli/Giulio Maroncelli/Michele Melega/
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    1.0 刘烨/韩雪/林永健/张国强/李沛恩/吴军/冯国庆/赵晓明/田征/苏丽/董春辉/何杜娟/王鑫/葛晓凤/周思羽/钟秋/刘仪伟/杜旭东/
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    10.0 切瓦特·埃加福/麦斯威尔·辛巴/Felix Lemburo/Robert Agengo/Fiskan Makawa/莉莉·班达/爱伊莎·玛依卡/Fredrick Lukhere/Hestingzi Phiri/Rophium Banda/Philbert Falakeza/Samson Kambalu/Raymond Ofula/诺玛·杜梅温尼/Lemogang Tsipa/约瑟夫·马塞尔/
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    10.0 王思钦/郭峻卿/王子墨/
  • 已完结
    5.0 AiNA THE END/松村北斗/黑木华/广濑铃/村上虹郎/粗品/江口洋介/吉濑美智子/松浦祐也/笠原秀幸/Robert Campbell/大塚爱/安藤裕子/铃木庆一/水越惠子/樋口真嗣/奥菜惠/浅田美代子/石井龙也/丰原功补/松本真理香/北村有起哉/
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    5.0 郭富城/蓝盈莹/王大陆/黄龄/戴军/毛衍七/孙越/范湉湉/肖骁/常海波/
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    5.0 费利西亚·特吕松/艾德文·瑞丁/莎拉·拉尔森/埃达·英格薇/妮基·汉斯布莱德/Alva Bratt/Olivia Essén/Maxwell Cunningham/Emil Hedayat/Mustafa Al-Mashhadani/
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    5.0 赵丽颖/乔任梁/吴映洁/班嘉佳/范逸臣/冯铭潮/李立/许静/熊晓雯/臭屁坨/徐查理/石峄/
  • 抢先版
    3.0 吴磊/蒋勤勤/陈建斌/王佳佳/闫楠/吴彼/王宏伟/钱坤/鞠帛展/梁龙/五百/孙强/王川/马大智/吕星辰/陈禹同/陈佳宁/吴金鑫/杨棽/张楚文/
  • 正片
    10.0 Hayden Hishaw/
  • 已完结
    2.0 威廉·彼德森/金·格雷斯特/琼·艾伦/布莱恩·考克斯/丹尼斯·法里纳/汤姆·诺南/史蒂芬·朗/David Seaman/Benjamin Hendrickson/Michael Talbott/丹·巴特勒/Michele Shay/Robin Moseley/保罗·佩里/帕特丽夏·夏博诺/比尔·奎考斯基/亚历桑德拉·尼尔/诺曼·斯诺/弗兰基·费森/嘉丝莉·毕薇斯/琼安·坎普/克里斯·艾略特/金·施赖纳/约翰·波西/克里斯汀·霍尔比/比尔·斯米托洛维奇/迈克尔·D·罗伯茨/马绍尔·贝尔/
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    4.0 钮承泽/张世/方龙/文英/李欣/丁也恬/陈启俊/胡翔评/高鸣/李昆/尚智/
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    10.0 莎朗·斯通/里卡尔多·斯卡马奇奥/克里斯蒂安娜·卡波通蒂/
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    3.0 方力申/陈奕/何花/周柏豪/张冬/朱梓玥/房旭世/苏盛华/
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    1.0 苏利耶·西瓦库马/Lijo Mol Jose/Manikandan/Rajisha Vijayan/普拉卡什·拉贾/Rao Ramesh/Guru Somasundaram/M.S. Bhaskar/V. Jayaprakash/Sibi Thomas/Ilavarasu/Jayarao/Sujatha Sivakumar/Ravi Venkatraman/Tamizh/Padmapriya/
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    1.0 吉娜·戴维斯/乔恩·哈姆/蒂姆·罗宾斯/罗伊丝·史密斯/斯蒂芬妮·安杜哈尔/
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    8.0 Paloma Alvamar/Andrés Cordova/Conchi León/Ernesto Meléndez/Guadalupe Rammath/Kat Rigoni/Said Sandoval/Edgar Treviño/
  • 已完结
    5.0 玛雅·奥丝塔泽斯卡/雅各布·盖尔沙乌/
  • 正片
    3.0 韩石圭/沈银河/申久/李汉伟/全美善/吴智慧/
  • 正片
    9.0 泰莎·汤普森/丽贝卡·豪尔/德里克·塞西尔/布鲁·德尔·巴里奥/杰米·埃克托/Karli Kaiser/罗根·马歇尔-格林/Jack Perry/阿莉雅·肖卡特/鲍比·索托/Matt Van Orden/里奇·韦莱兹/凯西·威尔逊/赵牡丹/
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    10.0 德里克·史密斯/卡特里娜·宝登/罗伯·施奈德/
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    6.0 李虹辰/卫延侃/雷凯/
  • 正片
    5.0 肖茵/敖犬/张进/
  • 正片
    4.0 松山研一/芦田爱菜/池胁千鹤/香里奈/风吹淳/木村了/中村梅雀/木泷麻由美/桐谷美玲/佐藤瑠生亮/绫野刚/吉田羊/
  • 正片
    5.0 包贝尔/李嘉琦/周大勇/马旭东/王喳喳/孔梓柔/克拉拉/于洋/魏翔/贾冰/杨皓宇/尹正/王迅/常远/文章/王成思/张一鸣/王天放/吕严/张百乔/滕哲/张祐维/德柏/
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    7.0 维杰·拉加文德拉/巴瓦那/库希·拉维/
  • 正片
    2.0 岳鹏飞/邢昀/




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